Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wish I Had Known.

Gahlee Pete. I sure am tired these days. I'm getting old. And fat. And sick. I feel like im 18 going on 103. Whew. I don't know how people have time to rest these days. I feel so overwhelmed with a MILLION different things going on in my life. Most of my planning and thinking gets done in the shower. I always do think of the most intriguing things there. Today my thought was mainly focused on how I have a bundle of things to do and no time to do it. I wish I would have known to enjoy life a little more when I had the chance. So yes ladies and gents, that's the blog today.....things I wish I would have known before I started college. But since I know my mother will be reading this, I guess I should also say things I wish I would have LISTEN to people tell me before college. Here we go.....

1. High school is all about preparing for the future....WRONG. Gosh. In high school, I was always doing things to be one step ahead of the game. I wish I would have taken the time to enjoy the little things in high school. Take millions of pictures that are terrible and don't delete them. Take crappy classes and sleep through them. Start a food fight. High school is the only time you're going to be allowed to do the most idiodic things with NO consequences..(ish).

2. High school will NEVER prepare you enough. Not knocking ole Northeasy, but I can NOT express to you enough how much of a break it is. Yeah, Northeast has challenging classes...I've took some of them, but a university is different. You will never aquire the amount of knowledge in high school needed to breeze through college. I beg for those Northeast classes back..BEG. So stop the whining and be thankful if you have some classes there.

3. D is for Diploma...but it's also for don't expect to keep your scholarship. Ha. It's true. In highschool getting A's was easy. Don't expect that to translate into the college world. I'm hoping to pull a D in a class this semester, and if I do, you can bet your sweet butt I'm going to reward myself. I'm fighting for a D. FIGHTING.. DO YOU HEAR THAT??? Which reminds me of my next point...

4. Let's have real talk here. American education system= pure CRAP. So, rule of thumb, if they have trouble speaking English, you're not going to beat them. The Asians are smart. Period. Yeah I know im being sterotypical, but don't you think there HAS to be a reason that became a sterotype? They have their stuff together.

5. HONK IF YOU LOVE JESUS!!!! Hey. Not everyone loves Jesus. I know. I know. The south is the bible belt. Um, not everyone in college here (or there..or everywhere) is from the south. There are atheist and agnostics on campus. They are vocal. You're going to be introduced to all kinds of new beliefs and personalities. Use this to learn new things. Be open! Don't judge because they aren't like you. I've met some really awesome people who don't believe the same as me.

6. MONEY does not grow on trees....unless you're my neighbor to the north in which case you have a money tree on your balcony. It's SO easy to eat out when you're on your own.  It's fast and let's face it. You don't have time. DON'T DO IT! My money dissapeared thanks to fast food. I'm cooking my meals for about a third of the price or less. Learn to manage you're money. Yay for jobs.

7. Get a handle on the love handles. In high school, you're always active and burning calories. You have a metabolism that you can't keep up with. You can eat 5000 calories in doughnuts and feel awesome. In college, your not lazy; you're just not burning 3000 calories a day. Your metabolism is as fast as syrup in the freezer. You still want to eat those doughnuts, but instead of feeling great, you feel them piling up on your butt, thighs, and hips. That glaze you used to love is EVIL. Try to take little steps to keeping fit. I walk to class to stay in shape, and when I can, I go work out.

8. Mommy and Daddy aren't here to hold you're hand. Rules and morals seem to go out the window in college. You're going to do things that seem badass because you can. You'll make mistakes and it's okay. It's so easy to be a little crazy in a collge town because unlike Section, Alabama, not everyone knows your business. AND get this, THEY DON'T CARE what you do!!! Just don't lose yourself in the process.

9. Dishes mold, clothes sour, and shower curtains turn red ( that's staph btw). Sadly, it was never an act of magic, someone cleaned the house back home. Keeping your room clean is a way to stay healthy...go figure. I won't lie..the moldy dishes scare me more than the staph that appears in showers.

10. Life's what you make it. You can throw pitty parties or be happy. It's your choice. Life isn't going to show you the golden route, you have to find it! You'll be as happy or as sad, as sucessfull or as unworthy, and as loved or as lonely as you choose. Choose wisely.

Life after highschool is busy and hectic. You'll never achieve ever single goal you want to. Take the time to enjoy life while you still have a chance. Once that graduation hat soars through the air, the real world's coming at you full speed ahead.


  1. Hahaha. #7 and #9 are my favorites. My love handles are starting to show and no Erin, I don't love it!! Lol

  2. I think the bigger question here is...WHY IS THERE STAPH IN YOUR SHOWER?? I am loving this!!

  3. Well I mean...the water here is got a lot of minerals in it. That along with the fact my hair stops up the faucet...deadly combination.

  4. You couldn't possibly be more right! High school was soo easy and fun! People should enjoy it more. I wish I had.
