Sunday, April 17, 2011

Create Your Happiness

Happiness comes to those who wait. What a load of crap. If you believe that, you're going to be waiting for the rest of your life. Eighteen years have come and gone in my life, and I have waited to for happiness to come to me. Well...we all know how that worked out. Oh wait, it didn't.

We as people rely on others to make us happy, but in the end, we get hurt. People are just that, people. They will ALWAYS let you down. That's life. Get over it. I did. I decided enough with the waiting. I was going to create my own happiness. Oddly enough, as soon as I stopped waiting, I realized happiness had been there all along. I got rid of all the people who were trying to make me unhappy, and replaced them with people who have always wanted me happy. It's amazing the difference one person can make in your life.

Happiness isn't about having expensive things, making straight A's, or even having the guy who is supposedly "all that" (chances are he sucks deep down anyways). Happiness is finding that killer dress for ten bucks, getting a D for diploma, and realizing that imperfections are what make us unique. The second you stop waiting for some huge sign to say "TODAY YOU'LL BE HAPPY" and start finding things that make you happy, you'll be alot better off. So stop waiting and start creating. Happiness is waiting on YOU.

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather the recognizing and appreciating what we do."
-Frederick Keonig

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