Monday, April 18, 2011

To Be Honest....

So. On facebook I see these kids putting their status as "To be honest. Like and I'll write on your wall". Basically it means that if you like their status they are going to write on your wall and tell you how they feel about you. Well, I've decided I'm going to do my own to be honest on thing. This is kinda like the girls opinion of to be honest to the fellas.

To be honest:

You'll never understand us.
Girls think that you're idea of a perfect woman is unreachable.
Girls like fat filled foods.
Girls think girls that have no meat look gross.
Girls are just as shallow as you.
Girls lie and cheat just like you.
At some point, no matter how hot you are, we don't care about your high school accomplishments.
We are vein just like you.
Looks do matter. Be honest with yourself.
Size doesn't really impress us THAT much. Stop bragging.
Girls are too busy worrying if you're going to see a flaw in them to see your flaws.
Not all girls have sex and that's okay.
Not all girls are virgins, but that doesn't make them sluts.
Girls aren't there to satisfy your needs.
Kitchen jokes make you unattractive. Not to mention you look like a total DICK.
Girls talk about everything they do with their friends.
Girls know you tell your "boys" everything. We don't care.
Sometimes girls are only in it for the sex too.
Girls fart, burp, and poop. And we think it's just as funny as you do.
Girls are two faced. That's just how they function. We've accepted it.
You don't have to be prince charming, just a gentleman is all we ask.
Double standards work both ways.
We'd rather you like us in sweats than dolled up.
Always picking things to do REALLY annoys us.
We think the cheap creative dates are more fun.
Life isn't like the movies. We don't expect it to be.
We make you feel bad for doing the same things we do.
We aren't going to change.

OH....and to be honest..(if you're reading this)...I'm wearing your socks. Don't expect them back. :)

Soo many more to be honest situations that I just cant put on here but feel free to comment (you can anonomously) what ever you like!!

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