Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Get Back. Get Back. You Don't Know Me Like That.

Now that song is in your head isn't it? Ha!

Do you ever wonder why people give their opinion when they know NOTHING about you? Me too. I know I do it sometimes, but it's my blog so I'm allowed to have double standards. But forreal, what's the deal? I mean I get so gosh darn tired of hearing rumors about myself. If I did half the stuff people say I do, I would be living a heck of a life. I wish I was that confident in myself to the crazy things I hear I have done.

People always have something to say. ALWAYS. Why are we always so quick to make assumptions about people when we ourselves have flaws? Have you ever noticed that usually the people who are putting you down are the ones who have the most to be insecure about? All the words were getting to me lately. I have been continually put down the past nine months, and I finally reached my breaking point. But, life works in mysterious ways doesn't it? Right before I hit rock bottom from one person's negativity, I had an epiphany. I realized that I wasn't all these things I was being called. The person who was giving their opinion of me knew NOTHING about me. Not the first thing. The anger and agression being thrown at me was a result of this persons own insecurities. They knew just what to say to manipulate my feelings, but once I realized that I was in control, it stopped. Which brings me to one of my favoirte quotes:

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -Eleanor Roosevelt

You are in control of your feelings. Don't let someones hurtful words get to you. Remember that when someone puts you down, it's because they have something wrong with them. Know who you are and love yourself for it.

Don't worry if someone calls you pathetic, a slut, or even tells you that you've got nothing going for you. As long as you love yourself for who you are and believe in your own abilities, the nay-sayers will go away. And maybe there will even be the added bonus of the nay-sayer living a lie. And for that, you can smile.

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