Monday, April 11, 2011

How Heavy Are Your Lies?

Seems like an odd question doesn't it?

Over the past few weeks I've had ALOT going on and I've felt really bogged down. I've searched for the solution and after have a talk with someone whose opinion I value very much, it became clear to me. They said something that really struck home. This person told me that when you feel like there's to much going on, you have to step back and take a look at the situation and decide if you are making a mistake. Then, you act.

Well, admittedly, I've made alot of mistakes lately and have really let the consequences weigh me down. Recently, I've been lied to by people, lied to people, and been lying to myself. But I decided to put an end to it. It was the lies that were heavy on my heart. So, I told the truth to everyone. I put an end to the lies.

I feel like a weight is lifted off my shoulders. Sure, I had to deal with the results of my actions.  I lost the respect of people I cared about and who I thought cared about me, but I gained respect for myself. I was called names that I know to be false and once again bashed online (insert non-shocked face). I made myself look like a jerk, but I don't regret it. I now can honestly say that I don't have to hold back anymore. Telling the truth made me realize some people would rather live ignoring the lies than face the truth, and I don't need to be involved with those people. Also, in doing this I found that there are amazing people in my life that I have overlooked. People who despite what I have done are willing to stand beside me. People I'm very thankful for.

So now I ask you, "How heavy are your lies"? If you're feeling like life is weighing down on you, step back and evalute your situation. Maybe you're like me and have so many lies surrounding you that you are suffocating. Don't be afraid to tell the truth and to force others to do the same (though you cant guarantee they will). Have enough respect for yourself and know that when you let the truth come out, the good results will far surpass the bad. You'll find that although your lies are heavy, the truth can lift the weight.

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