Monday, March 28, 2011

Facebook Drama: I'm Sorry. Are We Three?

I have alot on my mind recently and decided instead of blabling about it to my WONDERFUL friends I would just blog about it. I'm sure my fingers are typing just as fast as I would be saying this all anyway. So, I've been thinking the past couple of days and I'm going to say something we all know but would like to deny:
Facebook has made our generation take a step back in maturity.
Let's be forreal. It's getting out of control. Having a sandwich? Put it on facebook. Bad day? Make your status a sad song. Gotta problem with someone? You know that's going on your status. What the hell people? KEEP IT OFF FACEBOOK.
Are we so insecure with ourselves these days that we can't keep our personal feelings towards people off facebook? I can't stand to see GROWN women and men put stuff on facebook such as, "You better stay away from my man" or "OMG. She cheated on me". Are you serious right now? What ever happened to confronting the person you have a problem with and trying to figure out a reasonable explanation of what has happened? Chances are, your man was coming on to someone and lied to you about it so the people who know the truth are now making fun of you for being so clueless and gullible or someone started a rumor that she cheated on you and now you just made someone innocent look like a bad person. Point is: Whether you know the whole story or not, youre making yourself look like a jackass by calling people out on facebook. In addition to looking like a jerk, you make yourself appear as if you are three years old. Facebook has made us all think that we are untouchable and can say whatever you want. I know I myself have been a victim and an offender of this way of thinking and it must stop. Let's grow up people. The recent events of me being the center of someone's facebook status made me realize a few things. When you're the victim, you can choose to retaliate with a stupid status and make yourself look just as immature or you can let it go and laugh it off. I choose to laugh it off because in the end, I know what the truth is and I'm not going to be the one who ends up unhappy. So join me people and let's get back to the facebook where people tell us they're eating ham and cheese or are feeling a little blue. After all, none of us are three anymore are we?

1 comment:

  1. Haha. So true! Fighting over Facebook is so dumb! :) ♥
