Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Gotta Let It Go

I'll admit it. I'm one of those people who will hang on to something FOREVER. Not like hoarding...that's just gross. I am talking about hurt, love, anger, and all that good stuff. I have got to learn to let stuff go. I carry around every emotion like they are prized possessions that someone wants to steal. It's about to wear me out. Sigh.

It's summer!! I am going to relax and not worry about all the nonsense going on around me. Instead of thinking about what my life has been up to this point, I'm going to have fun and let whatever may be It's time to let go of all the mistakes I've made. God knows I have been fretting over them, and there sure are MANY that I have made. I know I appear perfect to all you people, but I'm not. That was sarcasm for those of you who were about to text all of your friends to go read how self centered I am. Anywho, mistakes shape who we are. We learn from our mistakes so I'm no longer calling them that. I'm going to call them opportunistic decisions. That sounds better. I'm about to take all this negative and turn it positive. Funny how it only takes one person to teach you how to let go. 

I had a talk with someone yesterday who asked me if I ever looked at the things the kids around here do and feel stupid because I know I did them myself. It's true. In just a years time I have learned so much about myself and what I expect out of myself and others. I have already learned how to let go of so many things and people that are bad for me. As I get older its becoming easier to let go of the things that I can't change.

So I'm about to put on that bikini, hit the river, and throw back a drink. It's time to let the summer time help me let it all go. It's what I need right now.